Joey Gallo

Joey Gallo
Joey Gallo

Joey “Crazy Joe” Gallo was a real wild card in the world of organized crime, born in Brooklyn in 1929. This cat had a flair for the dramatic and a taste for chaos, always lookin’ to shake things up. As a key player in the Profaci crime family, he wasn’t afraid to ruffle feathers and take bold moves, like kidnappin’ big shots in his own family to get what he wanted. Gallo was a real showman, hobnobbin’ with celebs and actin’ like a gangster straight outta the movies. But playin’ it fast and loose comes with a price. In 1972, while celebratin’ his birthday at Umberto’s Clam House in Little Italy, Crazy Joe got ambushed and filled with lead. Live fast, die young—that was Joey Gallo’s motto, and he sure as hell lived by it.

Click the links below to see where he is buried.