Louis Capone

Louis Capone
Louis Capone

Louis Capone wasn’t related to Al, but he was every bit as dangerous. Born in Italy and raised in Brooklyn, Louis was a key player in Murder, Inc., the enforcement arm of the mob. He was a cold-blooded killer and a trusted lieutenant, known for his smooth demeanor and deadly efficiency. Capone was the guy you called when you needed a problem to disappear—permanently. He handled hits with a chilling calm, often overseeing the gruesome work himself. Despite his quiet nature, Louis Capone was ruthless, making sure no loose ends were left behind. The law finally caught up with him, and he went down in ’44 alongside his pals Lepke and Pittsburgh Phil. The electric chair might have stopped his heart, but his infamy lives on, a grim reminder of the brutal efficiency of Murder, Inc. and the men who made it tick.

Click the links below to see where he is buried.