Abe “Kid Twist” Reles

Abe Reles
Abe Reles / Kid Twist

Abe “Kid Twist” Reles was a real sharp character, born in Brooklyn in 1906. This guy wasn’t no ordinary mug; he was the brains behind Murder, Inc., the notorious hit squad for the National Crime Syndicate. Kid Twist had a knack for gettin’ things done, if you know what I mean, and didn’t shy away from puttin’ the screws to anyone who crossed him. He climbed the ranks by takin’ out rivals and makin’ himself indispensable to the big bosses. But hey, every high roller’s got a fall, and Reles met his end in 1941, takin’ a dive outta that Coney Island hotel window, or so they say. Some think he got shoved, but who’s to say? That’s just how the cookie crumbles in our line of work.

Click the links below to see where he is buried.