Crime and Cocktails

Welcome to "Crime & Cocktails"

Listen up, youse mugs, ’cause we’re divin’ deep into some heavy mafia stuff here. This ain’t no playground game – it’s the real McCoy. We’re spillin’ the beans on “Crime and Cocktails,” where all them goodfellas hung out. We’re talkin’ their gritty secrets, their favorite joints for grubbin’, what they sipped on (allegedly), and even where they’re pushin’ up daisies. 

But don’t think this is just another sob story. Nah, we got the legit lowdown, verified and all. And to top it off, we’re throwin’ in a twist of that trademark mafia humor. So grab your hats and get ready for a rollercoaster through the shadows – it’s gonna be a ride, my friends.

Crime Blogs

Life's a dirty game, full of treachery and bloodshed, but watching it from the outside is mesmerizing.  When we see fit, we'll drop a fresh article on notorious events and interesting people, all while indulging in some "Crime & Cocktails" - so grab a seat, raise your glass, and let's dive into this twisted world.  Cheers!  Want more stories?  Click the button below.

Make Him a Drink He Can't Refuse

Ever wondered what kinda drink Charlie “Lucky” Luciano would be sippin’? Or maybe Joe “The Boss” Masseria’s choice, ya know, before he got whacked at the Nuova Villa Tammaro on Coney Island? We can’t be certain, but let your imagination run wild. Here’s a list of top-notch and not-so-top-notch “Family” guys, along with their perfect drinks. We’ve added some history on these wiseguys and thrown in the recipe for each drink so you can mix it up yourself. But watch your glass, buddy, using the wrong one could be a big mistake that’ll put you to sleep with the fishes. You want more recipes? Click the button.

Joe Sent Me

What’s the scoop on The Club Durant, Stork Club, Cotton Club, and Club Richman? They all thumbed their noses at Prohibition, saying “screw the rules.” If you hung out at George Lamaze’s Park Avenue Club, you’d be shoulder-to-shoulder with judges, top lawyers, and their future clients. In the Big Apple alone, you had 32,000 speakeasies to pick from. But don’t think you could just walk in. Nah, you had to be in the know, use the secret knocks, and drop the magic words: “Joe sent me.” Then, like magic, the Real McCoy flowed, but it came at a price. Here’s to the wild days!
Get more by clicking that button.

Joe and Mary's Italian Restauant

Youze Guys Gotta Be Hungry

Listen up, pal. In The Life, nothin’ trumps money, capisce? But right after that, it’s all about food. Wise guys are either chowin’ down or gabbin’ about it, always huntin’ for the primo joint servin’ the best Rigatoni Bolognese or linguine with crab sauce. Deep-fried calamari and steamed mussels? Fuhgeddaboudit. And don’t forget the cannoli. Now, each of these spots I’m talkin’ about? They got ties to The Boys. They owned ’em, dined there with their famiglia, held “meetings,” or even had their final supper there. Followin’ me? Good. Now keep your mouth shut and enjoy the meal. We ain’t just cookin’ up schemes; we’re addin’ recipes to our repertoire like a boss.  Want more? 
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From The Boys

You ever notice how when a big-shot mobster bites the dust, The Boys throw a fancy funeral? The crowd and wreath count speak volumes about the guy's standing. More wreaths mean he was a real heavy-hitter, and those wreaths? They all scream, "From the Boys," loud and clear.
Click on the button to get Funeral cards.

This Day in Mafia History

Listen up, pal! Almost every day's tied to some "Family" business – hits, busts, court fiascos, and vanishings. But it's not all bad. We've got weddings, jailbreaks, and massive meetups. Life's a rollercoaster in this game.  We got this fancy calendar thing with icons, so you can keep track. No nosy questions.  Got it?  Good.  Click that button to get more dates.

Quotes from Charlie
and the Boys

Ya know, the boys in this Life say the darndest things.  We got a language all our own but it’s all crystal clear.  Even them innuendo’s are clear. So check out what these guys said, and before you know it, you’ll find yourself talking like one of them.  Click the button for more.